Tuesday, March 18, 2025

1. The Wabbit and the Chinese Shop

"Hey there, Commander!" Skratch the Cat could see the Wabbit heading across Via Leone VIII. He was displaying a determined walk, with his face set forward. He could be going to any number of interesting places thought Skratch. The Wabbit reached the other side of the road and Skratch pounced to his side. "Hello Skratch," said the Wabbit, "I'm heading to the Chinese shop for an unobtainable item. Then I fancy a prosecco. Join me?" Skratch never said no to such an offer. He meaowed. "What type of object do you fancy?" The Wabbit hopped speedily on. "I've no idea," he said. "They have everything." Skratch nodded. He knew the Wabbit collected odd bits and pieces and concealed them in his fur. "Are we between missions?" he asked. "We certainly are," replied the Wabbit, "I was wondering if we could fill in the time by making something impossible." Skratch thought for a second. This could go a number of ways, all of them fraught with dangerous outcomes. "Were you thinking of a bolt-on accessory for the control board of Quantum the Train?" The Wabbit's mouth dropped open. "I was, as it happened." Skratch's tail quivered with delight. "Something that could take us to uncharted territories where's there no need of a map?" The Wabbit smiled. "I was thinking of a bolt-on reverse map that might take us somewhere we never heard of - or even wanted to go." Skratch scurried forward. "It will require a magic pin!" The Wabbit made a mental list. "One reverse map, one magic pin. some bolts. Anything else?" "Sandwiches," purred Skratch.