Wednesday, February 05, 2025
3. The Wabbit and the Wayward Wand
The Wabbit headed down Via Gregorio VII with his magic wand under his arm. He looked around. "Maybe I could conjure up a bus?" he thought. A young woman flew up the road, clutching a phone. He looked at his wand. "Maybe I magicked her, but I didn't use my password," he murmured. He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned. "What exactly are you doing, Wabbit?" It was Lapinette and she looked annoyed. "Did you do something with that wand? Some magic trick on that young woman." The Wabbit was shamefaced. "I did not," he said. "I wanted a bus." Lapinette regarded him with disbelief. "It looked like a trick. Anyway, you should hop. It's good exercise for you." The Wabbit tapped the phone. "This is a new hobby." They hopped down the road together. "Shouldn't you do something with playing cards?" The Wabbit knew Lapinette was trying to be helpful, but he just wasn't interested in cards. "I'd thought about cutting people in half." Lapinette's fur stood on end. "I forbid it," she exclaimed, "Bad things would happen." They continued past the furniture shop. "The stars at the toy shop said the wand would be fine," said the Wabbit. "I've even got a password. I'm only allowed to use it for magic." Lapinette smiled. "What's the password?" Just before she spoke, Lapinette had a premonition that this wasn't something she should ask. "Brat draoidheachd." The Wabbit said the magic words without thinking. The wand sprang into action. It flew from the Wabbit's grasp and waved itself over their heads ...