Tuesday, May 28, 2024

1. The Wabbit in the Electric Museum

The Wabbit hopped around Centrale Montemartini Museum. He was a familiar figure there. Most people he met, nodded and said hello. He paused by a ladder that led to the top of a power unit. The area had been roped off but the Wabbit paid no attention. "I wonder if anything's changed?" he mused. Things were certainly cleaner than usual. "I wonder if they're expecting anyone?" He leaned on a step and looked from side to side. There was no-one around. He mounted the first step. A voice rang out. "Visitors to the museum who are residents of Rome are reminded to renew their pass." The Wabbit smiled. "Nothing to do with me." He'd had his pass for some time. It allowed him entrance to most museums and as for the rest, he could usually blag his way past the desk with some story or other. He looked up to the top but when he saw a strange creature, he hid away to the side. "I don't think that's supposed to be there." There was always a chance it was part of an installation. The Wabbit disliked installations. He took another look, but it had disappeared. "A figment of my fertile imagination," he chortled, and he continued up the ladder. No sooner was he on the first platform, when he saw the creature behind him. It advanced on him with two sharp metal prods. The Wabbit tried to avoid them but it was hopeless. He felt a surge of electricity and fell helpless onto a metal grid ...