Saturday, May 18, 2024

5. The Wabbit and the Binary Window

The Wabbit and Lapinette were somewhat pleased with the way the adventure had worked out. Wabsworth had taken over responsibility for anything remotely concerned with AI and Robotics, much to the relief of Lapinette. The were hopping along Via Roma when they heard a voice. "Hello Commander!" The Wabbit turned to see a ferocious robot rabbit in a shop window. Then the voice repeated. "Hello Commander." Another voice chipped in. "What are you up to today?" The Wabbit was about to answer but Lapinette shushed him and shook her head. The messages repeated, albeit a little differently. "What are you up to Commander and Lapinette?" Lapinette giggled. "They're toys." The Wabbit looked askance. "You could have fooled me." Lapinette grinned and pirouetted. "Wabsworth must be pulling in a tidy profit for our Dinosaur Fund. The Wabbit brightened. "Pleased to hear it!" All the same he put a paw in his fur and felt for a remote control. The first Robot rabbit growled and broke a window. It placed a paw on the street and said, "0100100101100100011010010110111101110100." The Wabbit scowled. "I don't like its attitude. Shall we go for a drink?" Then paw in paw they strolled off to Via Gramsci.