Thursday, May 30, 2024

2. The Wabbit and the Creature of Gloom

The Wabbit floated semiconscious, just above the grid of the platform. He could smell engine oil from the big power generators - and something else. It was the palpable smell of evil. He blinked and tried to come round. Then he saw it. It was a monstrous sight, a creature with slavering jaws. Electric prods nestled between the creature's feet. It came closer. Its jaws clashed as they opened and closed. Teeth rattled; a tongue rasped. Eyes glared red, as bloodshot as three nights on the tiles. Fangs moved all around the Wabbit's head. But the Wabbit realised one thing. The fangs came close but never really touched him. He asked himself if it were a fantasy, but he could feel the rush of its fetid breath, hear the crackling of electrodes. He twisted. There was movement there. Whatever electrical anaesthetic had plunged him into a trance was wearing off. He tried to touch a lever on the big generator but it was just out of reach. His voice was a mere croak, but it was something. The creature came ever closer and sniffed him. It stank. The Wabbit tried not to flinch. He didn't move - except for his grasping paw. It was a hairsbreadth away from the lever. The creature turned and tried to stop him but the Wabbit gripped the lever and pressed down. Everything went dark. The Wabbit hit the floor and picked himself up. His eyes grew accustomed to the gloom. He looked all around. The creature had gone for now, but its rancid smell hung in the air like dead flesh. The Wabbit slapped a paw on his forehead. "Haven't seen the last of him!"