Lapinette rapped her paw on the table and called for attention. "What about our investment?" shouted a Drab. "What about it?" said Lapinette calmly and waving him aside, continued. "I'd ask you to approve the minutes of the last meeting, but none of you were here." "Formally proposed and signed as a correct record," said Jenny. Lapinette inclined her head. "Next business. I'm pleased to inform you that our scheme is in the top 99 per cent of companies." A murmuring of approval echoed round the hall. "However ..." said Lapinette. A pregnant pause caused Drabs to move uneasily. Lapinette smiled the sweetest of smiles. "Our business was affected by circumstances beyond our control." "What things?" said a Drab. "Global warming," said Jenny. Lapinette went on. "This experience has better prepared us for the future." "It's a fantastic learning curve," said Jenny. "We're leaner but fitter," smiled Lapinette. A leading Drab stepped forward. "That's all very well, but we're interested in a serious acquisition." "Do continue," said Lapinette. "We bought all the Stones," sighed the Drab, "but we wanted a niche Stone." "Do you mean the original Stone from which all your Stones were struck?" asked Lapinette. The Drabs nodded and Lapinette grinned. "Then I have a big surprise for you." "By special arrangement with Wabbit Biscuit International!" yelled Jenny. Lapinette glanced behind the screen. "I bring you the one and only, True and Original Stane ...!"