The Wabbit and Skratch headed to the Talmone Caffè in the porticos, where the
space was controllable - and there they set up their stall. It wasn’t long before
the Gnamskulls, drawn by the smell of the special sandwich filling, started to
arrive. Now the Wabbit knew that the Gnamskulls couldn’t hear him, but in the interests of authenticity he started
his pitch. With a wild waving of his paws and circular rubbing of his tummy, he started to bark. "Savour
the special filling in the special sandwiches," he cried. "Straight from the oven
to your scavenging tubes." Skratch thought he would join in. "Get 'em while they’re warm," he yelled and
waved his paws in invitation. "Special promotion!" shouted the Wabbit. "Complimentary
sandwiches for your delectation." "One taste and you’ll never want anything else," shouted Skratch. The Gnamskulls
approached the Wabbit’s table and sniffed and nodded to each other. Scavenging
tubes flicked the air and their food intakes gurgled like struggling fuel pumps. "A lovely treat, a joy to eat," yelled
the Wabbit and he winked at Skratch. "They're buying it," he hissed, "Get ready to release the special filling." "Are we covered?" asked Skratch. The Wabbit's eyes flicked imperceptibly upwards and he nodded ...