The Wabbit and the Big Blue Snail continued their stroll through the city. "This is a hospital!" said the Snail. "Yes, it's my most favouritist hospital ever," said the Wabbit enthusiastically. "How so?" asked the Snail. "It has the most fantastic snack bar," said the Wabbit. "In the hospital?" said the Snail, but it was more of a statement than a question. "Yes!" cried the Wabbit. "Everyone here likes the Wabbit and if I speak to people they are most pleasant to me." "Well for choice I wouldn't want to be here," said the Snail. "But," said the Wabbit, "if I had a broken paw, I could be treated here and then I would slip down to the snack bar in my pyjamas." The Snail thought the Wabbit was already wearing pyjamas. "I am rather peckish," said the Snail. "Watch this," said the Wabbit. "I will go and ask for refreshments
da portare via and they will rush around and put everything on a little tray and cover it with foil!" "Really?" said the Snail, who was quite impressed. "What will you have?" asked the Wabbit. "A mushroom, fruit and leaves panino," said the Snail. "Subito!" said the Wabbit. He vanished and quickly returned with his order. "And is that a cardboard tray?" asked the Snail. "It is," said the Wabbit. "Nom nom," said the Snail.